Three Mountains Wellness, LLC

Welcome To Three Mountains Wellness

Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are powerful tools that help people improve their health in many ways. Families, Olympic athletes, and senior citizens all use this wonderful system of medicine  - and the results can be significant.

Our bodies are in a continuous state of change. From the daily changes as we move from morning to nighttime, to monthly cycles to the seasons of our lives, our bodies do their best to flow according to our own internal clocks while also trying to adapt to the changing environment around us. Acupuncture helps us feel better because it influences the fundamental physiology of change and brings the body back into balance. 

I’ll work with you and help you combine acupuncture with other daily choices that influence healing - nutritious food, herbs, exercise, sleep, etc., giving your body everything it needs to create significant changes in your health.

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Every day we have opportunities to improve our health. Wellness  is the active process of being, the process of becoming and the process by which we achieve the maximum potential that is feasible at any given point in our lives. I'm here to support you in your wellness journey to health.

Are you interested in physical well-being?

      Acupuncture and herbal medicine

  • are effective and useful treatment options for hundreds of different disease conditions.
  • can help minimize pain and speed healing after traumatic injury or surgery.
  • can help enhance the effectiveness of infertility treatments.
  • can help you age gracefully and extend your healthspan.

Are you interested in mental well-being? 

          Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help improve difficulty with:              

  •   Concentration
  •   Attention
  •   Thinking
  •   Decision making
  •   Memory
  •   Understanding or finding the right words
  •   Confusion

        associated with menopause, mild cognitive impairment (MCI),  traumatic brain injury, vascular dementia, stroke, chemotherapy, etc.

Are you interested in well-being of the spirit?

      Acupuncture and herbal medicine

  • can help relieve stress, anxiety and depression.
  • can provide clarity and serenity so people can pursue their goals while remaining centered.
  • respects individual beliefs while acknowledging the importance of connectedness to ourselves, our families, our community, and the environment.  It facilitates a healing process that fosters an appreciation of the depth and expanse and complexity of life.

As an NCCAOM-certified professional, I can help you improve your vitality, look and feel your best and transform your life for the better. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message or give my office a call.


Liz Billings, MSOM, L.Ac., NCCAOM

Three Mountains Wellness, LLC

(734) 719-1229

(734) 272-4235